Quick Bible Thoughts: Bethel and Ai

Have you ever looked around and thought, “God, is this really where you called me?” I have.

Have you ever looked around and thought, “God, is this really where you called me?” I have.

Imagine that you are Abram for a moment. God called Abram out of his home country to show him the land God wanted to go give to him and his descendants. It had to be a amazing. And then we see this verse:

“From there he moved to the hill country on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. And there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord.” Genesis 12:8

I believe there is something spectacular for us in the location of Abram’s tent. He build his tent between two locations: Bethel and Ai

  • Bethel – which means “House of God”
  • Ai – which means “Heap of ruins”

On Abrams journey to the promised land, he found himself between God’s house and a heap of ruins.

Can you relate? I can. In fact, I think this is a truth for all believers on our way to heaven. While we live on this earth, we see that our “tent” is between God’s house (heaven) and a heap of ruins (this world). This is where God is calling us on our Journey.

In fact, when Abram would look at the sunrise to the east, he would see Ai. And at the end of the day he would see Bethel. Much like us.

When we find ourselves in this place we can do what Abram did: make an altar. We thank God for His promise, and we stand between these two worlds with the same message God had for Abram – leave your homeland and go to a place God designed for us.

My friends, thank the Lord for the journey, knowing that you are in between God’s house and a heap of ruins.

Happy New Year!

Love and blessin’s,
