Quick Bible Thoughts: Judas

Do you find it interesting that the person who betrayed Jesus shared the name of his tribe?

Jesus was of the lineage of David, and of the Israelite tribe of Judah, which means “Praise”.

Jesus had 12 primary disciples during his earthly ministry. Perhaps the most infamous of Jesus’ disciples was Judas. “Judas” name is literally the Greek form of the Hebrew “Judah”.

Do you find it interesting that the person who betrayed Jesus shared the name of his tribe? Is it even more interesting that his name means, “Praise”?

I find that fascinating. But then, there have been times in my life where I have felt betrayed by those who I thought would have been the closest to me: those who were a part of my “tribe”.

Even worse, there have been times where I would praise Jesus at church, yet feel like I was betraying him behind the scenes. That is such a horrible feeling. I’m sad to say that I have been able to identify with Judas’ sorrow from time to time.

Even in this, Jesus is willing to forgive. I am so thankful that Jesus hasn’t given up on me, even after the times I have betrayed Him. I also know that Jesus will not give up on you either. Forgiveness is His speciality!

Jesus would have brought Judas back into the fold. He will certainly do the same for you.

Love and blessin’s,
