How to introduce something meaningful in just one week!

When I was a little kid we had a big family Bible. It sat on the bottom shelf of a hutch we had in our living room. I remember needing to move this huge book around as I was dusting the shelf.

Numerous times I would get ambitious, “I can read this!” I would begin, and get a few chapters into Genesis when it all became too much for me. In my life, I have probably began the first few chapters of Genesis 100 times.

These same chapters have become some of the most meaningful to me as an adult. For a while, each Sunday edition of my blog will expand on a passage from Genesis. These next few Sundays, I will focus on the first chapter, where we have a description of the first 7 days of creation, and what it can tell us about planning our own weeks.

Today really marks the creation of my blog.  Why not start “in the beginning“?

“In the beginning God…” Genesis 1:1

Sit back for a moment and take a sip of your coffee. Read that passage again. Let these four words sink into our soul for a moment.

I read this verse many times before I took the time to ponder this point. In four words we are introduced to two important things – When and Who.

There is no delay in letting us know that God was there “in the beginning.” Nobody asked Him to be there. Nobody was even there to ask. God decided that there was going to be a beginning, and then made it happen.

The Bible begins with a declaration of God – not a debate about God.

I spent a lot of my early life debating whether God exists. Not only with others, but even with myself. I have read the philosophers, I have asked the hard questions, I have considered questions far beyond my understanding. Today, there are still many things I don’t know. If you don’t believe in God right now, that is okay. You will still find this blog helpful.

I believe the Bible is best understood by the person who believes these four words first.

“In the beginning God created” Genesis 1:1

The Bible’s first verb – created – introduces us to the action of shaping or forming something that is then introduced into a situation or circumstance.

A final product doesn’t happen by accident.  It must be created.

Let’s stop here and apply this part of the Scripture. Some of the details below will be expanded on over the course of the next week. If God began with creating, then what does that mean for me?

  1. Begin this week with a goal – What is something meaningful you need to do this week to introduce something into your current situation or reality?
  2. Ask God to help – Let’s be honest. The One who created the universe has offered to help you and me with anything we need. Why not take advantage of that.
  3. Plan and Block – A goal isn’t done when it is set. It takes planning,  intent, and action. Consider what needs to take place so that you can accomplish the goal. Look at your schedule this week and block time specifically for doing those things. Protect that time. Accept no interruptions.
  4. Flex and Change – There will be new things along the way, and the need for change is inevitable. Embrace change and be flexible.
  5. Create and Present – Introduce your creation. This might mean to put something on display, to embrace a new routine, or to see a situation or issue from another perspective.  Bring others into it. Let others appreciate the wonder of what you created.
  6. Admire – Like a refrigerator on Mother’s Day, take the time to look back and admire what you were able to accomplish…big or small. We should look back on our creations, and say “it is good.”
  7. Rest – After you admire what you created, take time to rest. All new creations bring new opportunities, and challenges. It did for God. 🙂 In the end, we will find it was worth it.

Today, Sunday, is the beginning of our week and the creation of this blog.

Comment below! What is one thing you can create this week that you can introduce into your situation, circumstance, or reality?