When will God answer?

The people of Israel went 400 years without a new message from God. During that time their entire culture became engulfed in the Roman world. They longed for God to do something. Doesn’t God see? Doesn’t God care? Why was God silent?
During this 400 years the Jews did a lot for their religion. They experienced:

  • The rise of the Pharisee (ultra religious, political leader),
  • A lot of teaching from the scriptures,
  • A sense that God used to be involved but is now silent,
  • And a distance from God that made sin an easy escape.

I can relate to these people. We have more “spiritual giants” today than I can imagine. I have a shelf full of books and unlimited podcasts and websites that exhaust Biblical teaching. With all of this, I still struggle to hear God. I still find myself battling the same sins. I am still my own worst critic. The average person could easily believe,

The Pharisees could hear from God, but not me.  God will do something in their life, but not mine. God can use them, but not me.

This was the scenario when John the Baptist came on the scene. John was laying the pavement for a new path. The idea of being a chosen, treasured people of God (Deuteronomy 7:6) was far from their minds.

Their spiritual life was waning in the silence of God.

God was about to introduce the Savior of the world. You might think it would come with a gentle hug and a pat on the head. But, it isn’t quite like that. God sends John the Baptist who had locust guts in his teeth and smelled like honey. His message was that God’s Kingdom is near and here is what we need to do now.

“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)

Generally we need to repent of one of these three areas in our lives:

  • Brain – Noticing the negative thoughts is pretty difficult for me to identify. I often have to repent from these thoughts in my mind. These are debilitating thoughts that lead me away from God’s kingdom and call on my life. Negative thoughts are by far the biggest drain on my spiritual life.
  • Behavior – It is much easier for me to notice the bad behavior I have just committed. It is either something I have done or not done, or said or not said. Many call them sins of commission or omission. The key is realizing that these activities were also dragging me away from God’s Kingdom and call on my life.
  • Both – the worst, however, is when I know before it happens, and I do it anyway. This seems more like I am openly rejecting God’s Kingdom and call on my life. And, it’s painful.

I believe that hearing God often begins with repentance. A repentance of thoughts that are telling us a false story that God is still silent. With this in mind, John the Baptist came with a message 2,000 years ago that should resonate with us today. I will give it to you in the FDV (FlatlandDave Version):

Change your thinking and your behavior! God has chosen you! You are His treasure! God is longing for a relationship with you! Look at Jesus! Your sin is forgiven! God is not silent anymore! God’s Kingdom is right here! (Matthew 3:2 FDV)

For February we will be focused on rethinking our mundane lives. A life in the Kingdom is everything but mundane.

What I need is to repent and recognize that God’s Kingdom is right here with me! Join me.

Ideas for reflection or discussion as you “Seek the Kingdom”: 

  1. Tell me:
    • What do you do to remember you are part of God’s Kingdom?
    • Do you need to repent for your brain, behavior, or both?
  2. Pray: Confess your sin to God. Ask God to help realize that Christ has forgiven you of your sin. I pray you experience that forgiveness in a powerful way. May this experience make you aware of His Kingdom as you commit to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.