Three keys to successful projects!

I had never replaced a garage door before, but I knew a few things:

  • I needed instructions
  • I would need help
  • It would take time

So, I went to the place where I knew I would find what I needed…YouTube.

For instructions I watched this video. For help, I recruited my wife and son. Then, I told them the video was only 7 minutes, so it couldn’t take too long. We only had two garage doors to replace.

We finished two days later, and the garage doors look great. We also learned a few lessons along the way.

There are all sorts of projects we face in life: Saturday morning house cleaning, a plumbing repair, a project at work, or a trip to the grocery store. When approaching any project, big or small, I suggest three key principals.

I try to remind my kids of these whenever we have a project at home to complete:

  1. Do your best – Projects seem to work best when we set the stage early that our goal is not just to get done, but to do our best in the process. Whatever we do, we should stay focused on the end goal and proceed with excellence.
  2. Assume there is more – This is key. I cannot tell you how many times I start a project and learn that it isn’t as simple as the 7 minute YouTube video. There is often an unexpected turn along the way. If we recognize this in the beginning, it is less stressful or surprising when the unexpected comes our way.
  3. Confirm completion – This step is critical. Several times I have worked a project with one of my kids when they disappear right at the end…usually right before we need to clean up. I have to stop working to go find them. I ask, “Did you confirm completion? If not, do not leave the project.”

When we start projects with these three key’s, we are certain to have success.

1) Do your best. 2) Assume there is more. 3) Confirm Completion.

Comment below – What are other helpful principals you use to ensure successful projects at home or at work?