Productive weeks are like separating oranges

Do you have a lot of messy work weeks? Do e-mails and meetings hinder you from a productive work day?

If so, I recommend an honest review of your work by what I will call the “principle of separation”. It’s like an orange. Separating an orange the right way leaves a beautiful wedge for eating. Separating it the wrong way leaves your hands sticky and everything messy.

Continue reading “Productive weeks are like separating oranges”

Three keys to successful projects!

I had never replaced a garage door before, but I knew a few things:

  • I needed instructions
  • I would need help
  • It would take time

So, I went to the place where I knew I would find what I needed…YouTube.

Continue reading “Three keys to successful projects!”

God hid my checkbook!

It was about 1998, and Missy (my wife) and I had lost our checkbook. We looked everywhere. Emptied her purse, cleaned out the car, and pulled the cushions out of the couch. It was gone.

We didn’t have any debit card, and the idea of a smartphone was a long way off. We had no way to buy anything without going to the bank and pulling out cash.

And the worst part, the youth group leaders we were working were inviting us to dinner after church. We told Terry that we would love to go, but we had lost our checkbook. Terry understood, and prayed. Then, another couple offered to buy our food that evening.

We pulled up to Ponderosa in Grandview, MO.  I opened the car door, and the long lost checkbook literally fell out of the car onto the ground!  WHAT? We had cleaned the car. I had gotten in the car through the same door. How did this happen?

I believe a few things took place that Sunday. Continue reading “God hid my checkbook!”